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How to write an opinion essey

Dnes se podíváme na to, jak nejlépe psát „opinion essey“ v angličtině. Tento druh eseje bývá často u zkoušek na vysoké škole, u testů např. na FCE, případně při přijímacím řízení do zaměstnání. Protože se jedná už o pokročilou angličtinu a protože poznámky mám rovnou v angličtině, nebudu text překládat a nechám to zde v originále. Hodně štěstí u Vašich zkoušek!

Content recommendations

  • Do not re-summarize the article in the opinion paper.
  • Do not simply use direct translation of text in the article.
  • The opinion essay should focus on a subject discussed in the article. It should NOT just discuss the content of the article itself or the quality of the article. (for example, don´t tell us the article on privatization was boring; we want your opinion on privatization itself.)
  • focus on an item, show your comprehension of it and develop it further in your essay.
  • DO NOT mix advantages/disadvantages (pros/cons) in the same body paragraph. In fact, you are advised to pick a position (e. g. for or against) and focus only on it.
  • The use of some transition words is expected and required; use of a variety of them will be rewarded.
  • You are expected to state an opinion in the text and then support it; the ability to do so without using the first person, will be rewarded. (Example: „Economics is a vital and interesting subject that more people should explore.“ Instead of: „I think that economics is interesting.“


Divide your paper into three main parts: a short introduction, one (or more) body paragraph(s) and a brief conclusion.


  • We suggest 3-4 sentences maximum.
  • This is where you tell the reader what you are going to tell them.
  • It consists of general points that lead to the main idea.
  • The main idea, or opinion statement, should be expressed in the last sentence of the introduction.

Opinion statement

  • The opinion statement should be a complete sentence (in statement form). It may NOT be in question form.
  • The opinion statement should state the main idea of the paper.
  • EVERYTHING in the paper should directly related to and support the belief of you express in the opinion statement.

Body Paragraph

  • This is where you tell us what you want to say.
  • This is where you provide details and examples to support the opinion statement you made at the and of the introduction.
  • EVERYTHING in the body should directly relate to and support the main idea of the paper.
  • The details should be clear and specific.
  • An irrelevant, vague or repetitive sentences should be removed.
  • Your paragraph(s) should be coherent. – A paragraph is coherent if the reader can see how all of the sentences related to each other.
  • Your paragraphs(s) should have unity. – A paragraph has unity if it clearly identifies one idea and elaborates on that idea only (not many others).
  • The author should not mix advantages/disadvantages (pros/cons) in the same paragraph.
  • You should present your information in a logical sequence.
  • Again, please use linking and ransition words (e.g. firstly, secondly/ furthermore, in addition, etc.) For more information and examples, consult the Functions Sections in the PD chapters.)


  • Again, for the bachelor´s exam, we suggest 3-4 sentences maximum.
  • This paragraph may begin with „In conclusion“ or „To conclude“ or „To sum up“.
  • It often restates the opinion statement in different words.
  • This paragraph summarizes what you told us in the essay.

Grammar tips / Things to be aware of

  • The first thing to remember is: save time to write the essay as well as re-read it before you finish.
  • PROOFREAD your work! Double-check the following things:
  • Subject / werb agreement
  • Word order
  • Singular / plural agreement
  • Pronoun agreement
  • Spelling
  • Avoid ellipses (…).
  • In general, avoid using too many abbreviations – tihis is a formal paper.
  • Do NOT use slang abbreviations (such as „u“ instead of „you“).
  • Be award of capitalization (especially in names: Czech republic!!!).
  • Use simple, but COMPLETE sentences.
  • Avoid run-on sentences (i.e. Multiple independent clauses that do not need to be linked together).
  • Avoid incomplete sentences (fragments).
  • Do NOT use a comma before that.
  • Do NOT overuse passive constructions – whenever possible, use active ones.
  • Do NOT have any „single sentence“ paragraphs (you need at least three sentences together to qualify as a paragraph).
  • Avoid starting your sentences with either of these words: „but“ or „and“.

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